___ ____ ____ ____ ____(R) /__ / ____/ / ____/ ___/ / /___/ / /___/ Statistics/Data Analysis Title svarih examples -- Generate svarih example estimates Syntax svarih examples estname [, store ereplace noisily list directory(dir) clear] options description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- store store example estimates in Stata's estimation catalogue under estname ereplace replace estimation results in e() with estname directory(dir) specify directory where example data set lutkepohl2.dta resides noisily display estimation output when generating example results list list available example estimates clear specifies that it is okay to replace the data in memory, even though the current data have not been saved to disk ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description svarih examples is a small utility that generates svarih example estimates using Stata's example data set lutkepohl2 and stores them in Stata's estimation results catalogue and/or in e(). It is thought to aide in getting to know the workings of svarih and dsimih commands. Whenever you find a statement in an examples section of a svarih subcommand help file that stores estimation results under estname, you can quickly regenerate them using . svarih examples estname , store Options Options store and ereplace specify where to store the example estimates. At least one of the two must be specified if estname is supplied. store stores results in Stata's estimation results catalogue. See estimates. ereplace replaces any existing estimation results in e() with the example estimates. e(sample) is also set accordingly. directory(dir) specifies where to find the file lutkepohl2.dta. lutkepohl2.dta is used to generate all example estimates. You can download this file into Stata data set memory by . webuse lutkepohl2 If you do not want to download this file over and over again, you can save it locally. By default, svarih examples looks for this file in the current directory. Use option directory() if the data set is not already in memory and not in the current working directory. noisily displays the output of the svarih command statement while the example estimation results are being generated. The default is to generate them quietly. list lists the example estimates available (the estnames). clear specifies that it is okay to replace the data in memory, even though the current data have not been saved to disk. Remarks A list of the names of the available example estimates (the estnames) can be displayed by . svarih examples , list svarih examples always uses the data set lutkepohl2.dta to generate example estimates. svarih examples requires this data set either in memory, in the current working directory, or in dir of option directory(). If the data set lutkepohl2 is already in memory, the store option accumulates example results if svarih examples is called multiple times. Examples . webuse lutkepohl2 . svarih examples, list . svarih examples bac_constr_gls , store . svarih examples bac_unconstr_gls , store noisily . estimates table bac_constr_gls bac_unconstr_gls . estimates restore bac_constr_gls . matrix list e(rgmmat) . svarih examples llu_lcns, ereplace . dsimih describe , modelstats cmdline Author Daniel C. Schneider, Goethe University Frankfurt, dan_schneider@outlook.com Also see Help: [TS] svar, svarih bac, svarih bfa, svarih llu, svarih postestimation, svarih cmat, dsimih